12.12.15 Great news, especially for all the holiday visitors to Nelson!
It's been a difficult situation for NCC staff - this logging couldn't be
delayed as once the Brook Sanctuary fence was completed, it would have
been even more challenging to get these trees out. Damned if you do,
damned if you don't, but it's another example of that period in time
20-30 years ago where plantation pine was thrown at many sites that
would be considered inappropriate to plant these days due to other, and
arguably more important demands for the use and protection of the land.
- Unhinged completed
- Wots up Doc Progress
- Teetotal Trail Update
- Big Bush Track Closure
- Beebys Update
- Silvan Forest Closure
- St Arnaud Trails Update
- Duck Down Improvements
- St Arnaud working bee
- Another bog fixed
- Maitland Ridge in Mint Condition
- Dun Mountain Trail open for Christmas
- Two year old rides Silvan trails
- Bog fixed on Duck Down
- Exodus Track completed today
- New Exodus Track under Construction
- Conservaton Weekend
- Silvan Forest - Another New Trail.....
- Silvan Forest - New 'Goliath' Trail (updated Aug 11th)
- Silvan Forest July Update