Rating: Grade 4+
Know before you go: This ride should only be attempted by advanced riders experienced in bush travel. It is a long way to walk out. Ride in the direction described or you will be walking a lot more.
Getting there: This ride starts from Brook St and heads up the Dun Mountain track and ends at the Hackett picnic area in Aniseed Valley. It is an epic ride that should only be attempted by experienced, well equipped mountainbikers with good technical skills who are prepared to do a fair bit of pushing. There is no reliable water supply between Rocks Hut and Browning Creek. Elevations over 1100 metres are reached and riders should be prepared for cool conditions at any time.

Climbing up to Dun Saddle and the descent from Dun Saddle to Rocks Hut
Times given
here were for a small group taking minimal breaks and are probably on
the fast side. Longer times are probably the norm with some parties
taking from 11 to 13 hours.
Take the Dun Mountain track up from Brook St to Third House. Time about 75mins. Carry on past Third House to Coppermine Saddle, about an hour from Third House. There is a 20 minute carry from Coppermine up on to Dun Saddle through bush giving way to low scrub and open ground. From Dun Saddle the riding is often rocky and technical. But there are some good open stretches before entering the bush. The riding in the bush is fairly rooty and technical and corduroyed in places.

Roots and pushing is the order for much of the first 2 hours from Rocks Hut

Making the most of the rideable sections

You reap the rewards for your efforts once you get on to the mineral belt

Nice technical sections on the mineral belt

The turnoff to Browning at Totara Saddle is well signposted

The descent to Totara Saddle and descending from Totara Saddle